Is your child out of control? Are you at your wit's end and don’t know what else to do? Try our signature program, A Dose of Reality.
The program is designed for youth who have not landed themselves in the Youth Detention Center yet but are heading quickly in that direction. Our coaches deliver first-hand insights into the consequences of bad decisions. While popular culture glamorizes bad behavior and prison, the reality is much less appealing. We help your young people realize this truth.
This program provides intervention tools to help parents and school administrators develop positive behaviors in their youth. It is our hope that young people who join us for these programs leave with a firmer grasp on reality and the consequences of their actions, a greater sense of self-identity, and a desire for a better life for themselves.
323 North Huron, Toledo, Ohio, 43604Give us a call
(567) 277-5352Send us an email
[email protected]Other website us with any questions about our behavioral boot camps and programs.